Friday 11 March 2011

The Problems We Have Encountered 2

  • After our problem with the bluebell railway train scene we decided to re-locate to Haywards Heath train station for ease of access and hopefully we would have less problems with them than we did at Bluebell. 
  • We also thought that it would be good to have a contrast with the rural church scene. However when we tried to film there the company that worked there were fairly hostile and threatened us with police intervention. Our solution is to re-locate to another urban setting e.g town centre
  • Our second problem was with the car scene was that we did not film it at the right time of day. We were really pleased the way the shots turned out just the lighting so we me will have to re-shoot it.
  • Our third problem was that we could not get a camera out till 5 days after we wanted it. This gave us a very short time to fit in all our filming. We had to have the camera for three days and shoot every day. 
  • We had also planned to do the bonfire scene on a certain day but we had to change it because of the camera being booked out. This meant we had to reschedule to a different date which was a problem for some of the extras we had planned to use. This meant we had to rely on Rory in our group to provide extras from the village we were shooting as he lives there. Luckily he managed to get enough extras for our scene and managed to get everything done that night we wanted to.

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