Friday 25 March 2011

Plan for the last week

  • Friday 25th March - Re-filming car scene and uploading at home. Hopefully taking all our footage home for editing at home.
  • Weekend 26th - 27th - Editing and sorting out the soundtrack for our film
  • Monday 28th - Re-filming locker scene as it has been accidentally wiped from the camera. Starting on foley sounds Editing and soundtrack continued
  • Tuesday 29th - Brendan departs to America for 8 days and carrying on with editing, soundtrack and foley sounds.
  • Rest of week - Soundtrack, foley and editing completed by Thursday 31st March
  • Friday 1st April - Everything put together and hand in at end of the day

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Urban scene

Our train scene at the bluebell fell through because the train schedule was too scarce to fit in with our filming time. As a result we decided to film in Haywards Heath town as this would be a good contrast with our rural train scene. We went beforehand to scout out some good places for our film and though that the trainstation car park would be the perfect setting for our film as it still has the train reference and we would also be able to film it at the time that people were leaving which could explain the three people walking away. The filming went really well and we got some really good shots that we were very pleased with.

Friday 18 March 2011

Title Research - Stephen


• The sound is parallel to the actions that are happening and are in time with the credits.

• The titles are placed into areas that are not being used and then the shot will move to cover the text.

• The font and text flicker and distort changing constantly. As well as this it is sharp and gives the impression of a sadistic and creepy film.

• Most of the time the font is kept in a black screen to start with before changing to an actual film clip which allows the title to be read, but then makes it harder for the audience to see.

here you can see the change in distortion to legible text.

• The extracts in the background only shows either extreme close ups or distorted views of things so that we, the audience, have to keep guessing at the mystery of the bigger picture and get a full view.

• The images are parallel to the font as they both give strange and distorted views to the audience.

8 Million Ways to Die

• The titles are always across the frame and cover up what is happening in the background.

• The colours stay the same so that it is not disjointed, they also represent a law enforcement colours to help give away some of the story.

• The font looks hand-written which makes it look as though it had just been written down and then used by the law again enforcing the impression of the law.

• The way the film follows the car while giving more information helps solidify the idea that there is a large crime element to the film and that the law will be involved.

• Parallel music to match the thriller genre.

Terminator 2

• The flames give an idea of the story and what will happen later on.

• The font matches the forcefully images and parallel sound.

• The sound enforces the metal and flame noises.

• The titles always emerge from fire, relates to the movie.

• The terminator robot emerges from the fire with the music getting louder until it clamps down.

• The titles always draw the audiences attention due to their large and controlling font.

Title's research - Brendan Oosterbaan

1st title sequence - 300 300 title sequence

  • It makes you feel as if you are on the battle field as it is very 3D. 
  • The comic nature of it highlights the blood and the gore and is very ironic.
  • It is drawn as a comic book to set the tone of the rest of the film, very gory.
  • The music matches the setting of it, greek/sparta. 
  • The names of the actors also reflect the images we see e.g. we see a helmet when the actor who plays the warrior shows up
  • It also makes you feel as if that level of violence is acceptable and it also shocks you for the violence later on.

2nd title sequence - Reservoir Dogs Reservoir Dogs title sequence

  • Music is very up beat and contrasts with the rest of the movie which puts the  violence and meanings into perspective.
  • Slow motion walk so we can see who the characters are and what they're names are.
  • Does a close up of each character with their name underneath.
  • Then it has the credits after the name of the film which may be because they want the audience to reflect on the conversation they just had. 
3rd title sequence - Fight Club Fight Club title sequence

  • Music is pulsing which reflects the setting of inside a body
  • Very futuristic, which doesn't reflect the film
  • Very energetic, which does reflect the film.
  • Fast paced movement to reflect the film

Title Sequences: Marcus Pellham

Casino Royale Title Sequence
Above are stills from the Casino Royale title sequences. It combines enigmatic imagery [such as the gun] with abstract imagery that refer to key themes or events in the film [ie. the cards]. It also shows Bond, the protagonist, as silhouetted, creating a mysterious character to draw in the audience. Colour is also used to draw the audience's attention to key details. 


This is the opening sequence to thriller series, Dexter. It uses the constant imagery of blood to highlight the murderous theme of the show, including 'blood' font. Throughout the sequence, he protagonist is seen going through his morning routine. Although the actions shown are tedious, they allow the audience to gain a glimpses of the character and begin to form their own perception on him. This is successful because it is really simple but communicates the theme with the audience.


The final opening sequence is Terminator 2. It also uses imagery to develop character and narrative. The titles are shown to emerge from the flames, foreshadowing the key event in the film. A parallel soundtrack is used to build suspense during the title sequence. In addition, the font chosen is dominating and futuristic, which is important as it helps establish setting and character.

Friday 11 March 2011

Re-shoot of police station scene

After our first take of the police station scene we decided to re-shoot it as we had access to one of the HD cameras plus we had a problem with continuity of the protagonists clothes and the time of day. Also, the time of day had filmed it at made it so that there was a lot of traffic n the road which was distracting in our shot, we solved the time of day problem plus the traffic problem by going back later to re-shoot the scene.

The Problems We Have Encountered 2

  • After our problem with the bluebell railway train scene we decided to re-locate to Haywards Heath train station for ease of access and hopefully we would have less problems with them than we did at Bluebell. 
  • We also thought that it would be good to have a contrast with the rural church scene. However when we tried to film there the company that worked there were fairly hostile and threatened us with police intervention. Our solution is to re-locate to another urban setting e.g town centre
  • Our second problem was with the car scene was that we did not film it at the right time of day. We were really pleased the way the shots turned out just the lighting so we me will have to re-shoot it.
  • Our third problem was that we could not get a camera out till 5 days after we wanted it. This gave us a very short time to fit in all our filming. We had to have the camera for three days and shoot every day. 
  • We had also planned to do the bonfire scene on a certain day but we had to change it because of the camera being booked out. This meant we had to reschedule to a different date which was a problem for some of the extras we had planned to use. This meant we had to rely on Rory in our group to provide extras from the village we were shooting as he lives there. Luckily he managed to get enough extras for our scene and managed to get everything done that night we wanted to.

Friday 4 March 2011

The Problems We Have Encountered

The first filming problem we have encountered was that the train did not arrive properly when we wished to film it, instead the loco came tender first (backwards).

We were stopped by a policeman while filming, and had to give the letter of permission to him so he would allow us to keep filming.

We changed camera to a better one which would mean we have to re-film all current shots otherwise the quality change is very visible.

The changing weather has caused problems with continuity. to fix this we just had to wait until the weather matched the one in the previous scene.

Also, after reviewing our footage we have noticed that there is a 180 degree rule break during one of our scenes. we will have to find a way round.

Church Location Video

This video shows a 360 degree view of our church location and the setting.
 Timetable for filming 7-9 March

Monday: 12:15
Marcus, Rory and Stephen to re-shoot the locker scene in the Dolphin.
Marcus, Rory and Stephen to film the train scene at Haywards Heath station.

Tuesday: 17:00
Marcus, Rory, Stephen and Brendan to film the car pulling away scene in Haywards Heath station car park/Sainsbury's.

Wednesday: 15:00
Marcus, Rory, Stephen, Brendan and extras to film the bonfire scene and wood scene at Rory's house in Horstead Keynes.