Monday 28 February 2011

Location Shots

This is the opening shot to the church scene - it is a extreme long shot so that the audience can establish the location of the characters; this will be followed by a closer up version of this shot that will show the two characters in closer detail ie. half the face due to low key lighting

This is the third shot in the sequence - we were careful concerning continuity in keeping Brendan on the inside and Rory on the outside

This is a split frame shot - it will have the characters walking past it and fading into the darkness to suggest a sinister purpose and create a mysterious atmosphere

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Animatic [with commentary]

This is our animatic; the screenplay has been slowed down so that we can explain what each shot is and why it was chosen

Monday 14 February 2011

Filming Research

In order to ensure we had the right setting for Friday's filming, we checked the weather forecast and sunset time and concluded that Friday was a good day to film as we want a dark setting.

Friday 11 February 2011

Police Allowance

Here is the letter or permission for us to film on the police grounds.


This is the animatic of our storyboard showing the length of shots. We shall upload another with a commentary.

Lighting Trials

Here we have posted our trials of using the lights to try and experiment and work out what effects and styles we shall use within each shot of our thriller opening.

Side lighting
low Angle lighting
Side lighting (other side)
front lighting 50%
front lighting 75%
Silhouette long
Silhouette Close

After looking through these lighting techniques we have decided that the silhouette style of shot was very useful for some of our shots. It will be good to use as it obscures the face and makes it look very sinister.

Of course these photos were not taken for our film, thus they are not framed as we wanted to check the effect on the area around the protagonist or antagonist an the extras that will be in our film.


We decided not to have any dialogue to help create an air of mystery as we have concealed the identity of the characters. By not using any dialogue the audience cannot associate the character with any specific place or class.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment:

Locker Room:

Slipping on the floor.
Lockers falling if they are not secured.
Colliding with opened lockers.

To avoid the dangers we can make sure that the area we are filming in is secure and that the lockers are well fastened to the wall. We'll make sure that we don't leave locker doors open around where we are filming and will take care when moving around the area.

Police Station:

Danger of cars on the main road.
Weather Hazards.

We will film far away from the road so as to make sure that even if someone fell of the equipment was knocked over it would not fall into the road and cause a potential hazard. We received permission to film on and around the police grounds and use their sign, we shall post the letter up here later toady. 

Driving scene:

Other road users.
Traffic collision.
Pedestrian collision.

We will use a private road and will designate someone within our group to check for traffic before each take to minimize the risk or getting in the way of other motorists. We shall abide by all traffic laws and we will make sure the driver has the necessary qualifications and that any needs shall be filled, for example should the driver only have a provisional license we shall make sure there is an experienced driver within the car.

The Railway Station:

Falling onto the track.
Being hit by a train.
Open area, rain, slipping on the platform could cause damage.
Tripping up stairs.
Weather hazards.

We will not film over the set lines for safety on the platform to maintain their health and safety guidelines, as well as moving carefully around the area.

We have had a letter sent to the railway to ask for permission to film on there premises and are awaiting their reply. 


Burning oneself on the fire.
Fire spreading onto other areas.
Clothing damage or damage to properties.
Potential damage to equipment.
Weather hazards.

We will take the utmost precaution when filming this scene and we will make sure to have sand and water nearby should we need to quickly put the fire out. we will put a small barrier around the fire to stop anyone getting to close and we will make sure that someone will always be ready to step in should anything occur.


Falling gravestones due to their age could be a potential hazard.
Tripping in the graveyard.
Weather hazards.

For these shots we shall make sure to keep away from any dilapidated areas and unmaintained areas to make sure we are away from any potential dangers. We will decide where we will film to make sure we are not near any possible tripping hazard, or to cause offense to anyone within the grounds. We will gain access to the area by talking to the reverend of the church and asking for his permission to film on the grounds, should we be denied access we can use a secondary location.

Equipment Necessary:

Fire safety equipment. – Bucket of sand or water, extinguisher.
Small Medical kit – plasters, bandage.
Florescent clothing for night time filming.

- Stephen Neal

Role list

Here is a list of characters in out film and who will play them
  • The Detective - Marcus 
  • Church Cultist 1 - Extras
  • Church Cultist 2 -  Extras
  • Church Cultist 3 -  Extras
  • Station Cultist 1 - Rory
  • Station Cultist 2 - Stephen
  • Station Cultist 3 -  Brendan
 The Detective, Church and Station cultists will then meet at the bonfire with...
  • Bonfire Cultist 1 - Extras
  • Bonfire Cultist 2 -  Extras
  • Bonfire Cultist 3 - Extras

To bring a total of 10 characters with 6 needed.

We could have possible difficulties getting people to be extras. However, we'll ask more people than we need so we have back ups if people can't make it.

Monday 7 February 2011


A detective is trying to infiltrate a cult after they are linked to a spate in criminal activities in the area. In his attempts to gain information the detective goes undercover and joins the cult. In the opening scene we are filming the cult are gathering and the detective infiltrates it, but is pushed to his limits as he is asked to perform an act that will reward him with valuable information, but will also raise questions about his loyalty to the police force.

Friday 4 February 2011

Discussion about final piece

Final story idea

After much discussion about 3 ideas, a military story in which a 2 spec-ops raid attempt to raid a house when the door is opened by a kid causing one member to breakdown.

A cult story where a cult is gathering but one of their members is a detective and is pushed to the edge of his limits when asked to perform an act which questions his loyalty.

And a crime story where 2 gangs are locked in a turf war while a middle man supplies information to both gangs, fueling a war and raising questions about loyalty again.

We discussed all aspects of all 3 ideas; location, props and how to tell the story.
In the end we decided to go with the cult story as the military one was to risky with guns around and the crime story never really evolved.

So with an idea in our mind we set out to evolve the cult idea

Rory's house as it had plenty of land and a pre-made bonfire (Risk assessment needed for the fire)

 The Bluebell railway - Horsted Keynes

 The Bluebell railway in Horsted Keynes as it's steamtrains which our sort of uncommon and creepy at night


Church - Horsted Keynes

The Horsted Keynes church as it is also a very old church (1500 years old) and extremly creepy

Police station - Haywards Heath
The Haywards Heath police station as the main character is a detective. We will walk outside the police station but we might ask permission for it any way.

Props we have bought
Masks for the cult members X15
Half mask for the detective X2
Police badge for detective X1

Other props we are using
Car (Rory's dad's car, he will be driving)
Train at bluebell (we will ask permission to film Marcus getting on and off a train and the train pulling in)